Share Your Work.

Submit to the Pub!

We are excited to announce our new theme: Glass House!

Tell us about the way light seeps in at dawn, how shadows stretch until they disappear, or what it's like to feel the sun on your skin. Share with us the ways in which you have grown or how the hidden parts of yourself were illuminated. Do the birds still whistle when you close the window? Can you remember the sound of that summer's big storm? What do you write when you breathe on glass? Look in and look out of the glass house.

A theme isn't intended to exclude or restrict submission, it is merely a way to spark your imagination and guide your creative process. ALL submissions are welcome.

Submissions are open February 2nd through March 4th!

Submissions Guidelines:

Remember: you don't have to be a student to submit to The Pub! If you are an alumni, professor, or staff member at Wheaton, we would be honored to receive your work.

Essays—2500 word limit, Chicago Manual of Style, endnotes, citations required.

Essays include critical essays, reviews, and interviews. For the Essays section, you can either submit a complete essay for editing, or submit a 500-word essay proposal which will be coached and edited by our Essays editors throughout the semester. The first option is best if you already have a piece you wrote for a class or another reason and it only need minor edits for publication. The second option is best if you have an idea you’ve wanted to carry out for a while and The Pub looks like a good reason to do it! For the former, the submission process is normal: submit before March 21 and you will be contacted about edits and copyediting if accepted. For the latter, essay proposals should be submitted by March 1 and will be reviewed by the Editorial team. If accepted, you will work with the Essays section throughout the semester on your piece. This is a great choice if you want experience in a collaborative editing process. You are welcome to submit more than one piece, but only one essay will be published per individual.

Narrative—2500 word limit, Chicago Manual of Style, endnotes, citations required.

Published per semester: 2 or more narrative pieces. Narrative accepts both fiction and non-fiction storytelling. You are welcome to submit more than one piece, but only one will be published per individual

Poetry—No word limit.

Published per semester: 4 or more poetry pieces. Poetry is always a popular section of The Pub! Please make sure your document is editable and includes your name at the top. You can submit as many pieces as you wish, though our maximum for publication is ‍2 per person.

Art—4 or more artworks.

The Pub accepts all mediums of visual artwork for publication. You may submit a standalone piece or a series. We believe art to be an essential part of intellectual Christian discussion. In order to spark discussion, we require artists to submit a statement to accompany their work. This statement might be a short piece of creative writing, an explanation of your process, an exploration of the subject matter, a relation of it to the issue’s themes, etc. It does not need to be a stiff or explanatory statement––we trust your work speaks for itself. We welcome the collaboration of essayists and artists in the exploration of a piece. Please be sure you have submitted your highest quality image and your statement is in an editable Google Doc.You may submit more than one image, but typically only two spreads (4 pages) will be devoted to one artist.